Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Radios In The 1970s How Many Of You Remember Britain In The 1970s?

How many of you remember Britain in the 1970s? - radios in the 1970s

Just wondering because of all the (I assume) children who say, in reaction to the election of Nicolas Sarkozy, that Margaret Thatcher was a disaster for Britain. Note, however, that Britain was a mess before Margaret Thatcher came to power. No newspaper, no oil, gas or coal to heat our homes, very little food, no ambulance, A & E departments have been closed no funeral, no worries at school, no trains, television and radio blackouts, no pick up litter ... primarily because of the unions.

1 comment:

  1. Margaret Thatcher, was [the wife Steel]. He was elected three times and remained in power for 11 years. She was very conservative, but the rules of the important role in the unification of Europe. He stepped back as he felt his people began to moan.
